Voting is now open in the UKCSA 34th Anniversary, “Excellence in the Use of Cast Stone” 2025 Awards competition, for projects that have used the cast stone manufacturing Full Members’ own cast stone. The UKCSA 2025 Awards will be judged in five Categories:
- Category 1: Best use of Cast Stone on a Commercial / Retail / Mixed Use Project.
- Category 2: Best use of Cast Stone on a Residential / Single Dwelling.
- Category 3: Best use of Cast Stone on a Unique / Small Project.
- Category 4: Best use of Cast Stone on a Restoration / Refurbishment.
- Category 5: Best use of Cast Stone on a Landscape Project.
The Winners will be decided by a combination of your votes, and a specially selected judging panel. UKCSA Full Members, their employees and associates, are not allowed to vote, and any votes placed by them will be disregarded.
The UKCSA Excellence in the Use of Cast Stone voting form can be found at the end of this page.
There will also be an Associate Award, awarded to one of our Associate Members who has supported a Full Member over the last 2 years, whether directly as part of a project team or as a general supplier, the winner of which will be decided by the judging panel.
A full preview of the finalist entries are given below, and further details will be available on the linked Projects pages of this UKCSA website. The Winners will be announced at the UKCSA 2025 Awards and Networking event and free tickets for this are now available.
The decision of the UK Cast Stone Association (UKCSA) shall be final in all aspects appertaining to the competition, and by submitting an entry or vote, and by participating in the competition, then you are deemed to have accepted that this is the case.