Cast stone for an award-winning UK property developer
An award-winning UK property developer with a reputation for building high quality, high specification homes. With a range of house types, they are renowned for building attractive and varied street scenes incorporating cast stone to their own individual specification.
To meet the property developer’s exacting demands, it was important to them that the UKCSA Full Member Marshalls Bricks and Masonry (formerly GreconUK) cast stone products were of the highest quality, in terms of finished and durability.
Semi dry cast stone products used on the developments include: heads, cills, jambs, mullions, quoins, date stones and copings. These units were all to the client’s unique design and, to comply with their technical and aesthetic requirements, incorporate special aggregates.
As such the first issue encountered for Marshalls Bricks and Masonry as the cast stone producer was to source and store the special aggregates required, consistency and assurance of supply was essential. Separate mix designs meant that careful sequencing of batching was required to ensure that production ran smoothly. Also with the unique design of product a whole new range of moulds had to be manufactured and stored. It was also a requirement that the product be packaged in a way that best suited their site use and handling, leading to the development of a bespoke labelling system on all deliveries which has resulted in less waste and damage on site.
Marshalls created a dedicated production space solely for their client and trained a team of production operatives to specialise in the manufacture and packing of their product to ensure that the high standards demanded by the client were met and maintained.
Involvement at an early stage with the client, combined with a strong working relationship with dedicated points of contact resulted in excellent service levels and a smooth-running operation. This was essential to accommodate significant growth over a short period of time across multiple sites with a wide geographical spread.