“Excellence in the Use of Cast Stone” 2023 Awards
Best use of Cast Stone on a Commercial / Retail / Mixed Use Project:
This exciting new green, pedestrian-friendly public space for the Nottingham city centre involved the most significant changes to a city centre road layout for 15 years.
The cast stone manufacturing UKCSA Full Member Amber Valley Stone was instructed to supply architectural wet-cast seating and step units including curved areas to the Broadmarsh redevelopement. They manufactured various samples and mix designs for the landscape architects, to find the perfect colour and finish to meet their strict criteria
The new spaces and traffic reduction allows improved pedestrian environments. The work provides a public space between the new college, shopping centre, Nottingham Central Library and Nottingham Castle, with spaces for outdoor seating, food and drink in Carrington Street and areas for children to play, creating a better atmosphere to sit and dwell during the day.