Guard Industry UK Ltd

Guard Industry UK Ltd

UKCSA Associate Member Guard Industry UK Ltd is the UK arm of Guard Industrie SAS of France, a manufacturer of coloured stains and coatings for cast stone, GRC, and other building materials.

For over 25 years, Guard Industrie has been developing innovative and ecological products intended to clean, protect and embellish building materials.

Guard offer new generation impregnation products designed to protect and embellish cast stone.

These products are designed to give a new aesthetic dimension to cast stone whilst at the same time retaining its mineral look.

The Guard Industrie products also give full protection against water, oil, stains and graffiti.

Guard Industrie have offices and distributors worldwide – see for more details.

Membership Number A276

J14 Hastingwood Ind. Park
Wood Lane
B24 9QR

07588 009200
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