CIS Administration

CIS Administration

CIS Administration have been undertaking the administrative functions of the United Kingdom Cast Stone Association (UKCSA), the UK trade association for cast stone manufacturers and associated trades, for almost 20 years.

CIS Administration also undertake the administrative functions of The International Glassfibre Reinforced Concrete Association (GRCA), an international trade association representing the worldwide glassfibre reinforced concrete (GRC / GFRC) industry.

CIS are also involved personally, and with other letting agents, in the residential rental market in Northampton.

Membership Number A990

15 Stone Hill Court
The Arbours

01604 405666
All data on UKCSA Members is supplied by the Members themselves. UKCSA presents this information without guarantee and cannot be held liable for any consequential claims. UKCSA Members will be able to advise you in more detail on all aspects of Cast Stone specific to their products and supply.